Dear you:
Last Wednesday's Republican debate featured the best stuff first. Mr.Graham, referring to his bar-owning family legacy, quipped if he is president we will DRINK MORE!
I'll drink to that.
Should I chat about the latest perplexing banter or controversies? Or should I just stick to Donald, The Movie . . . something we are all watching helplessly. What is up with The Donald not teaching the weird "Obama is a Muslim and not born here dude" the facts? Oh wait, The Donald was one of the original birthers.
I am quite confused about this whole religion thing. What does 'god' have to do with a socially constructed institution called religion? Gettin' all literature teacher here, aren't our religious texts simply writings authored by people? Talk about unreliable narrators.
Buckminster Fuller (check him out on Wikipedia for an impressive resume of thinking and doing) said god is a verb.
I'm getting way too deep.
Happy September, sliding into fall . . . the best one ever, we hope!
Your Joyce