As my post title notes, beware the Ides of March. I know that alludes to classical literature, but really, I don't know what that actually means . . . classically. I do know what it means in terms of 2016, America. It means election horror.
This is Super Tuesday. Our sort of kind of crazy system for political party primaries has arranged a game where once a candidate sweeps the states voting today, they are in. This seems screwed up. And because of this years apparent Republican winner (Trumpnado), the screwiness is HUGE.
Trump (that guy, the candidate of all those guys) versus Clinton is predicted. Fine on my side (hashtag "I'm With Her), but on the Red side? Oh hell no.
Recent news . . . the KKK is supporting Trump. And The Trump is quoting an Italian fascist dictator on Twitter. And he applauds his "poorly educated" supporters. (What does that mean? Were they educated but educated badly, like by light-weight fake professors in the Gulf Coast State College Languages and Literature Division, or did they drop out of high school and buy degrees from Trump University?)
It is all one big blur.
Truly, I am concerned. I would like to have a Republican option. Someone who does not quote fascist dictators or enjoy support from mental defectives.
On a night like this, we should simply watch it happen. Prepare our best horrified expression and log on to Twitter.
We will live through this, as we have lived through other Ides-of-March-like events.
Be good. Be terrific. Be NOT afraid.
Time to pour those cocktails and follow the news :)
La Joyce