Dear you . . . Observe, please:

This photo (thank you Google images) can be found if you search "Inlet Beach FL". The old pier, or what remains of it, has been there since I visited the family beach house as a child. The creature, however, is something I have never encountered in this zone.
What is this gorgeous deer-thing doing here?
What on earth is his chance of survival?
Identify, identify. I do. What am I doing here? What on earth are my chances of survival?
It is gorgeous still. The Gulf is warm and I dove into it with gratitude today. I work retail; I work online. I hustle in happy singularity. But the strange non-city-life problem continues. Yes, the population is dense. Very few green spaces remain, which may explain why the deer is on the beach. But the community is non-existent. Good luck connecting with anything that is not "family" targeted, whatever that means.
So, here I am. On the beach. Like the deer, I admire the beauty. Unlike the deer, I think too much. Today's thoughts are about change; not actual growth-change but vanishing acts. What was here yesterday is gone, or crumbling like the old Inlet Beach Pier.
1. I have not seen a healthy group of pelicans flying over the Gulf in a while.
2. My favorite outdoor cat-pet (Coco Loco) disappeared over the Memorial Day weekend.
3. Our beach is eroding. Stroll over the walkway to the coast in front of my home and you will see a cliff and a sharp drop-off into water.
4. One of my silly summer pleasures,
So You Think You Can Dance, now features CHILD competitors. Gone, the struggle between hot, adult dancers.
5. My zip code is changing and so will my two thousand pieces of ID and account information. Yes, now Inlet Beach will have its own exclusive zip code. Please.
Hurricane season is here and I suppose I can only hope we dodge a "big one". That is a change nobody wants, disaster. If one hits, big, the last poles of that crumbling pier will surely fall and I will move on to god knows where. Perhaps I will follow the pelicans and Coco Loco . . . wherever they are. None of us really knows what is up next. That is wonderful. That is sad. That is
fabulous fact!
Happy June :)