Dear you . . .

So, we have all been busy in terms of information absorption. Yes, an election over . . . with an unusual outcome. Understatement. History "unmade" because I will not see Sister Clinton as POTUS. However, that Tuesday night, after I lifted my paralyzed self from the couch, I got busy. Tasks:
1. Research which sector (environment, education, etc.) I need to devote time to/defend.
Information absorption time spent on this task: 100 hours to date
2. Figure out why I feel like the outcome was driven by some anti-femme reaction.
Information absorption time spent on clarifying this "feeling": 10 minutes
Only ten minutes because I really don't want to know if this is true. Perhaps the assigned roles are not really changing after all. Consider the White House meeting of POTUS Obama and POTUS elect Trump. Then consider a parallel meeting in another room, a lesser space. (See photo.) The women met for tea. Seated properly in dainty chairs. Contrast that to the power postures of their mates (note Donald's red power tie dangling over his power zone).
Why didn't the femme-meeting look like this?
Women running together in an urban, free space. Women moving.
Depressing. Same shit different day. And yet, there is reason for euphoria! As Donald would say (and said), what have I/we got to lose? Go big or go home. Make noise and refuse to cooperate. But on the other hand, why not be reasonable? Good change might occur. But then again, here comes Bannon, Flynn, and possibly Rudy G. as Secretary of State (Oh Hell No). But wait! Donald has totally backed away from his scariest campaign horrors (Muslim ban, torture doctrine, or "lock her up"), hurrah!
It feels like this:

I guess I should be thankful I can feel at all. The struggle can continue, whatever that means.
So today, Thanksgiving 2016, I choose to appreciate the ride.
And I am definitely OFF THE COUCH!