Dear You:
The story has gone viral. Racist woman (pictured above) goes nuts and unloads insults on the customer ahead of her. Racist woman's claim is that customer had broken in line or something silly like that. Her reaction . . . LOVELY! Among my favorite quotes from racist woman is "go back to where you came from". Really?
But I digress. This story connects to my adventures in retail! Yes! I am outing myself now as a JCPenney sales associate, the store-site of this hideous event! And I am assigned to the Shoe Department, the department that sells the things inside that green box racist woman is holding. I happen to know that is a boot box. Imagine those legs in boots and leggings. Imagine those legs (or similar owners of similar legs) walking around your department on the daily. Imagine the questions the mouths belonging to those legs ask.
Apparently, racist woman has been "banned" from the mall housing this JCP location. But what else will be done? Should she be "punished" further? Not really. It's just speech, stupid speech, but still just speech. Besides, Karma is already on the job. If you can see the photo, you can see HER. There it is . . . justice. Poor old thing has to live inside that . . . body. Outside reflecting inside.
I wonder what JCPenney will do about this? I'm sure they'll create pointless workshops about protecting customers from racist rants, etc. The problem, however, is that many of these sales associates are reprimanded if they stand up for themselves, colleagues, or the sweet customers. I don't care. My record shows a consistently fearless "talk back" history :) But others are afraid. They are told that the customer is always right and they must make ALL customers happy . . . even the stupid, business-killing ones. Something in the working "climate" there held that sales associate back. But I cannot say exactly what held the other customers back. That is a puzzle . . .
Please, everybody. Speak. "We" > "fat woman holding boot box".
Happy Christmas Eve Eve . . .