Dear you:
March Madness now refers to politics in America.
Every week, huge shocks to the system, compliments of President Donald, put us on the cliche emotional roller coaster. Last night, the Don's pressure to take down critics (enemies of the people he would say) worked again. McCabe, an FBI veteran, is fired two days before his retirement date. Pension lost. Paradise gained for the Insane Clown in the Oval Office.
I do not understand what motivates those who adore this dude in chief. Rationalizations take the forms of "I don't care about his past, his lies, or his racism. He's getting things done. The economy is doing great. More jobs!"
Well, yes, he is getting many destructive things done. And whether we want to assign the racist designation to Don or not, massive evidence shows he is supported by "them". (I don't need to provide the noun for that pronoun, do I?) He is indeed their white president. This is not news. Spend five minutes on Twitter. But what hit me today, amid the firings of talented people and the storm of Stormy Daniels (more on that later), I encountered this story:
Many of these stores are in southern neighborhoods in Alabama, Georgia and Florida. Many of these stores are also part of the pedestrian scene; locals can walk there. Where will they go now? The appearance of Dollar General stores down here can't cover the loss. DG doesn't sell "fresh" anything. And the stores themselves are depressing, staffed by workers who are just passing through. (I can't blame them for that.) Winn Dixie often is staffed by full-timers or part-timers who have worked there for years and give a damn. I sometimes shop at the one near me, located at the end of Front Beach Road just to the east. The young manager knows the brand of cigarettes I smoke. Ellen, the cool cashier, talks to me about caring for neighborhood cats. (We are both suckers for the partially socialized felines who need food and love.) The old dude who bags my groceries knows I do not need help to my car and get pissed off when asked if I need assistance. When I cash-out with my sunglasses on, they all know I am not in a chatty mood. These people are surviving the closures; this site is staying open. But I know they hurt, feeling slightly complicit like Titanic survivors.
Businesses fail. I get it. But something creepy is happening. Access to food, affordable housing and employment: Bye now. And yet I hear Donald and his fans repeat over and over that things are now great again in America. That is some bullshit, my friends.
But on the horizon, I see somebody who just might be able to dethrone Trump. Stormy Daniels wants to talk and she is suing him about a bogus agreement requiring her silence (in return for some Trump-chump-change). She's got a hot lawyer. And Trump is reacting. He actually is scared to name her in the latest Tweets. It is possible that out of all the citizens who have tried to restrain Trump and stop the carnage, an adult film star may be the one to get it done. Perfect. Show biz. Good luck sister!
Happy St. Patrick's Day. We need the intervention of saints now, for real.
Stay strong. Endure. The Clown Regime can't last forever . . .