Dear You:
Memorial Day in Inlet Beach and subtropical storm Alberto is slamming. Rain rain rain. I am "hunkered down" and enjoying Wifi and TV now, anticipating power outages in my current "rehearsing tragedies" state of mind. However, this is nothing. See the news about flooding in Maryland. One little town is submerged. Rain rain rain.
About the insect photo, these beasts typically plague this part of the country in May/June. In my time here I have suffered a bite or two and endured swelling, itching, and throbbing. These lady flies (the males don't attack) are killer. Google yellow fly bite images and be amazed! This season, the creatures are everywhere and I have six bites on my legs/ankles. With the swelling, I no longer have distinct calves and ankles. I now have cankles. I also have a repressed warrior persona. One of these lovelies attached herself to my clothes and came into the cottage with me. Panic ensued. Then I shifted into cool, predator mode. I stood still, waiting for my guest to head to a window or land on my delicious cankles. I was setting a trap. For some reason she avoided my tasty flesh and settled on a living room chair, easy target. Blam. I smashed her. With my bare hand. Without remorse. I think I let out some kind of war cry.
And speaking of war, in Trumpland attacks on journalism, free speech (ongoing drama re: NFL players/citizens forced to stand for the national anthem), and facts continue. And his fan base is not budging. Trump's approval rating is actually rising! Swelling. Like a yellow fly bite. Annoying me and making me itch. And I cannot smash them in self-defense or know they will disappear in a few weeks.
A strange calm settles outside. A break in the rain. But storm warnings continue. Kind of like life. Calm is merely a break between dramas, autocratic presidents with bad hair, and insect invasions.
Transcend the itch and carry on darlings!
Happy Memorial Day to all the real warriors, past, present, and future!