Wednesday, November 27, 2019

One psychological drama after another . . . and still thankful !?!

Dear you,

The above is compliments of a Google image search, prompted by my "challenging" week.  Clearly, my problems are first world in nature:  virus in laptop that pushed me into paranoia about everything (dude who invaded said laptop called himself "Dave"), rumor from weird local that an equally weird local named "Darrell" said he was my boyfriend and future housemate, spreading this "exciting news" to the nosiest condo owners here.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow.  And look at those problems.  Hardly life or death.  Although they did/do create high anxiety because, you know, WHO THE HELL IS DAVE?  And WHO THE HELL IS DARRELL?

They are Dave and Darrell, somebodies out there somewhere who think this is the best way to handle their business.


And so I am off my ass handling mine, doing whatever security interventions I need to do on both fronts.  Indeed, a first world kind of drama . . . stuck in my head.

So, back to Thanksgiving, here's the list of things to be grateful for:
1. Health/fitness!  I can still knock out push-ups and run around like a child.
2. The feline pet, Miss V.
3. This library where I am typing now filled with books and not weird people.
4.  Friends, even remote in location.
5.  Every odd thing I have ever done.
6.  Every odd thing I will ever do.
7.  My dental hygienist.
8.  Publix supermarket who literally cooks for me.
9.  The Gulf of Mexico.
10. Journalists (the ones from Earth 1, not Earth 2).
11. Athletes and artists.
12. And in some strange way, the Daves and Darrells who remind me I am not immune to the bull**** everybody deals with.

Joyful Thanksgiving to you all.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Write with your phone....oh, hell no.

Dear you,
 Blog with a phone keyboard.  Here is a flower.  I have that. In the phone file.  Don't ask about the automatic centering of the text.

Epic fail!
