Dear you,
The Florida Panhandle is now the mothership for POTUS 45
grumps. Congressman Matt Gaetz is their
loudest leader, selling the new version of MAGA,
something-something-America-first-blah-blah-blah. Whatever. This dude is really toxic. Yet here I am, STILL, in his/their world. But I am getting good at resisting
toxicity. I don’t get edgy when I read
his weekly emails to constituents anymore.
I can channel surf to Fox News when Matt is on with Sean, Tucker, or
Laura and watch without throwing my beer across the room. I can just laugh at him now. I am developing
Gaetz immunity. Perhaps the mangled
Nietzsche saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” applies in my case.
I am resisting his virulent toxicity. Gaetz hasn’t killed me!
But a Glade-Plug-In almost did.
Since I live with a feline and sometimes smoke inside, I
like to freshen up the condo air.
Typically, I just open windows and use lightly scented air spray. I light “safe” scented candles too. This works.
To make it even simpler, I thought I would try one of those plug-in devices. I bought the amber-oud scent. (What is oud anyway?); it was working. However, in time I started getting headaches
which I am not prone to, and I suffered a sinus/tooth blowup that might have
been connected. Not right. I kept going.
A week or so later, I was out and about for several hours and discovered
. . . no headache! Annoyingly, when I got home, throbbing resumed. Then, epiphany: outside = no headache, inside = headache. I turned my head to the outlet near the
entrance. There it was! Spewing poison into my little world. The evil
plug-in. If I had simply googled the
device before purchase, I would have discovered screaming complaints on the Consumer
Affairs website. Naïve buyers like me
suffered headaches, nausea, and worse. I
unplugged and threw the toxic device out.
That was easy.
Disposing of Gaetz style toxicity is not that easy. He and his grumpy clan (klan) are not going
anywhere. They can’t be unplugged and
tossed. So, I just have to deal, get “relative”
with the “inevitable” (as Matthew McConaughey would say, read Greenlights) and
continue to pump up my social-political immune system.
If I can survive a Glade Plug-In, I can survive the new
version of MAGA. Stay tuned! I’m not going
anywhere either. At least not today.