Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Surprise! Redistricting and the Dollar Tree.

 Dear you,

The Florida Primary Election was pure confusion. (Can confusion be pure?)  The redistricting throughout the state came as a surprise to many voters who showed up to vote on 8/23, the official election day, only to discover they were in the wrong polling place.  Surprise!  You've been redistricted.  This happened throughout the state, north, south, east and west.  It happened to me.  Story:

I voted in-person early, the week before 8/23.  Early voting can be done anywhere in your county of residence.  I went to the place I always go for early voting, the Walton County Courthouse Annex near the beach on Hwy 331.  When I got the ballot for Democrats, I saw what I expected.  I selected Charlie Crist for Governor, Val Demings for US Senator, and Daniel Uhlfelder for Florida Attorney General.  What I didn't see was a Democrat choice to oppose Matt Gaetz, the current un-fabulous congressman representing District One.  District One was my district.  Where were the Dem challengers?  (Schiller and Jones.  In the end, Jones won and will oppose Matty.)  I asked the polling workers what was up.  Perhaps Schiller was running unopposed since Jones had previously been pulled from the ballot for some technical reason related to party membership tenure.  Was this the case?  I don't see Schiller because she is unopposed and therefore "in"?  The workers were as confused as I was and suggested that was the case.

But it wasn't.  I had no anti-Gaetz Dem choice because I AM NO LONGER IN DISTRICT ONE!  The beaches of South Walton where I live are now absorbed into District Two, ruled by Congressman Neal Dunn.  This is the district that also absorbed the massive blue-voters of Tallahassee/Leon County's District Five, represented by Democrat Al Lawson. That district had, before DeSantis's shifty decree, included the majority black areas between Tallahassee and Jacksonville as well.  It is now submerged in the pasty mass of District Two, which DeSantis made even larger and whiter by shifting citizens from District One to District Two.  Clever. The majority of coastal voters here in South Walton are, as expected, red Republicans.  Their numbers will help dilute any resistance by formerly blue Tally coalitions. Do the math. Alfred Lawson (D) will now oppose Dunn (R) in November in this "new" blobby, white District Two. Uphill battle indeed. 

Wow. Talk about a rigged election.

I have never been confused about my literal place on the election map until now. I don't know why I didn't inform myself about the scope of this redistricting and the fact that it included ME. Perhaps I was too focused on what was happening to Tally itself.  Perhaps I was everywhere but "here" in terms of "yes, it could happen here".  Anyway, I finally caught on a few days after 8/23 when a new Voter Information Card arrived in my mailbox.  There it was, clear as day.  US Congress, District 2.

Thanks a lot, Walton County.  Sending that card out after the primaries was really, really helpful.

Meanwhile, in the mundane daily world of the Panhandle, there are other changes. Surprise!  The Dollar Tree at Pier Park shopping center now offers products for $1.25.  They have not changed their signage yet to indicate they are now The Dollar Twenty-Five Tree. The poor employees now have to deal with irate cheapo customers who had no idea this was happening. They, the employees, were probably the last to know. Surprise! Just like redistricting.

Well, the good news on both fronts is this:  Matt Gaetz is no longer my vile congressperson and the $1.25 items are actually better than the $1 versions; the generic Q-tips are cottony and strong; the matches actually fire up when struck; and the candles don't smell like body odor!

And that is the news from here in the land of the redistricted and confused.

Happy end of August.  


Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Losing my religion . . .

 Dear you,

Primary day in Florida and New York.  We, especially in Florida, seek to select candidates who have the best shots at defeating the far-right wave of fascism, fascism in the name of somebody's "savior".  In the news:

Florida Grace Christian School emailed parents recently informing them "LGBTQ-identifying students will be asked to leave the school immediately."  USA Today quoted the top administrator, Barry McKeen:  "We believe that any form of homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, transgender identity/lifestyle, self-identification, bestiality, incest, fornication, adultery, and pornography are sinful in the sight of God and the church."

Ah yes, all of those things belong together.  Bestiality and bisexuality.  Incest and self-identification. Oh, these people. And what is their problem with self-identification? What does that even mean?  Shouldn't we all self-identify, know who we are essentially?

True, this targeted purge at Grace Christian is not new.  They have always enforced the fundamentalist rules. Even the straight quarterback will be expelled if administrators find out he bopped the head cheerleader (who might be anything). But something else about the current purge makes me queasy.  This:  school policy relies on Genesis 1:26-28 to justify their condemnation of "elective sex reassignment, transvestite, transgender, or non-binary gender fluid acts of conduct."

[Of note there, verse 27:  "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them."  Oh dear, the grammar.  Why does this sound like Yoda from Star Wars?] Now, about my queasiness, think about this condemnation of gender fluid acts of conduct.

That could mean anything. That could be anyone. That could be you, right-wing golfer dude in the PINK Ralph Lauren shirt.  That could be you, big-ass woman with a cigarette dangling from her mouth while she checks her overheated car engine.  (I thought only a man could be that dumb.)  That could be you, young man with gorgeous Goldilocks locks.  That could be you, lady at the pool who is actually swimming with the kids instead of passively watching from the deck, modestly wrapped in a Bible Verse beach towel. That could be me, insisting on a solo, childless life and a room of my own.  It is me.  It is you.  It is everyone with a mind of their own.

We've been here before and we've fought this fight.  Gloria Steinem, in her book My Life on the Road, looks back to 1977 and the first National Women's Conference.  Reflecting on the obstacles women faced as they fought to add an amendment (the ERA) to the constitution guaranteeing their personhood, she recalled resistance from so many Christian fundamentalists.  Among them, of course, were way too many women.  She writes, "I began to see that for some, religion was just a form of politics you couldn't criticize."

We do tiptoe around these McKeens and company when it comes to faith, don't we?  Too often, we take a high road, trying to tolerate their intolerance.  This makes no sense.  Their god, their stories, their twisted "textually" supported arguments are fucking everything up. It's not faith. I'll say it again; it's #ChristoFascism.

Enough. I'll close in a very gender fluid way, no feminine XOs or "Love, Joyce".  Just this: END.


Thursday, August 11, 2022

So Not the Summer of Love.

Dear you,

Meet Mark Lombardo (above), candidate for congress, Florida District 1.  I am feeling some love for this man. Nice smile. No Gaetzy creepy vibes.  Hmmm.  Yes, I am definitely feeling some love and I could use some since my love-stash is  running low. But more about Mark later.  First:

Breaking news, New York Times, "The suspected gunman who tried to breach the FBI's Cincinnati field office on Thursday morning is now in a cornfield and surrounded, officials said."

Gee. I wonder who motivated this "patriot" attack?  Trump. Furious over the legal and warranted search of his Florida palace, Donald is once again inciting his minions to violence.  That poor guy in the cornfield.  He is done.  Was it worth it?  I'm thinking the red-right is going to pretend it never happened.  Minutes ago, one dude on Twitter called the event a HOAX, staged to make the MAGAs look bad. That didn't take long.

Our situation, dicey at best, is much more precarious today than yesterday.  It will be more precarious tomorrow.  Are there any Republicans, excluding Cheney and a few others who have already been purged, who aren't afraid of the former POTUS?  Is there anybody in that party who can deprogram millions of Americans willing to lie and die for him?  Who in the GOP actually gives a shit about Cornfield Man?  Someone must. I am looking for them. I am looking for a few sane, honorable Republicans.  Maybe, just maybe,  I found one. Once again, meet Mark Lombardo. Consider this from, a few days ago:

"Mark Lombardo is ramping up his assault on incumbent U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz as the Marine Corps veteran and former FedEx executive attempts to unseat the controversial incumbent in Florida’s 1st Congressional District.

“Matt Gaetz is a liar who doesn’t respect women, generates falsehoods, promotes conspiracy theories, uses gimmicks to get TV airtime, and baits voters with racist and anti-gay siren calls,” Lombardo said in a prepared statement.

“Matt Gaetz is a hypocrite and nothing but a me-first, professional politician who entangled himself in a child sex-trafficking investigation and then sought a pardon for ‘any and all’ crimes to keep himself out of jail. It’s not surprising he used his campaign donors’ money to pay pedophile Jeffery Epstein’s attorney.”

Well, well. Matt has a challenger here in Florida, District 1. And a Republican at that. The Dem challenger will be Margaret Schiller. However, if Lombardo wins the upcoming FL Republican primary and ousts #RapeyMcForhead, I might vote for Mark.  It's gotten that bad.  Lombardo is no friend to progressive agendas, but he's better than Gaetz. Besides, Schiller has no shot. Lombardo does. But . . . wait. Damn. After a quick check of Lombardo's website, I discover he wants to drill baby drill everywhere, reopen pipelines, give border crossing immigrants no shot at citizenship, and (drum roll please) he is on Governor DeSantis' Anti-Woke train.  Well, at least I was amused by some of his Gaetz shade.  He called Matt a "drama queen". Ugly stuff, these primaries.  Conservatives are calling each other drama queens. Knives are drawn; fangs bared. Indeed, this is so not the summer of love.  And I thought last summer was bad.

I looked back at some summer 2021's journal entries to refresh my memory.  Yep, pretty bad.  I raged about the fall of Kabul and the death of the last White Rhino on Earth.  I was locked in Covid caution mode and bitched about vaccine resistors who screamed "my body, my choice".  I worried about the abortion bans in Texas signaling the end of Roe V. Wade.  Fast forward to now, this August, 2022, all that sorrow remains. Just add the possible end of American Democracy, threats of civil war, the actual end of reproductive rights in big chunks of our nation, and, of course,  #Ukraine.  Astonishing.

Here's something else from that 2021 journal that caught my attention:

After Summer -


Comes again -

The Earth still


This way and that, causing

what we call seasons -

For a brief time -

This version of

The expected -

Carries on . . . 

(I have no shame when it comes to journal poetics.  Yes, I brazenly try to copy Emily Dickinson's mechanics and form.)  Today, I revise the above with 2022 in mind:

During Summer -

We wonder if


Comes Again - 

The Earth, I hear,

Is spinning 

Faster -

Faster than ever, causing

what we call baseline anxiety -

Our former versions of

The expected - 

Slip away . . .

Carrying on morphs to slipping away.  Considering then and now, I guess things can only get better. It is still early August.  Plenty of time to turn things around.

We hope.

Buena suerte, everyone.
