Instead of bottomless tequila shots celebrating Cinco de Mayo, geopolitical watchers are knocking back black coffee(s). The lead in this Sunday morning's news is Israel and its bombing of Syrian military research (?) facilities. What should we have done prior to this action? What can our USA do without trooping into one more conflict? Would it matter anyway?
Writing from the beach house -- my residence -- I "hear" the chatter about this new war on cable news, while blogging, while running literary history through my head for tomorrow's class meeting, while scanning the cloudy sky for a break so I can dive in the Gulf. Here, in one place, and yet connected to other places and other times. This strikes me as exhausting but necessary. Staying in touch with current events. A habit taught in grade school (but perhaps no more -- unless trolling social media counts as information) sticks. But what do I do?
Email Marco Rubio.
Email the Prez.
Email Super Man to save us from our selves.
So, back to this tiny dot on the map: we begin a summer session at Gulf Coast State College. What will the dusty writings from femmes back-in-the-day matter? I suppose it is yet another exhausting but necessary task -- staying in touch with human events, then as well as now.
I wonder what Emily Dickinson would Tweet? She certainly had a gift for doing a lot with a few words.
Here comes the sun!
Diving in.
Happy Cinco . . . Seis . . . Siete . . . Ocho . . . Nueve etc. de Mayo.
Your Joyce
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