The daily news features yet another crime by the humorless against the humorous:
This is a former reporter from a Huntsville, Alabama (of course) news channel, Shea Allen. She got canned for being . . . clever. And for thinking the First Amendment applied to her.
Here's an excerpt from the story on
"Even though it was written during time off from work, a blog post titled “No Apologies: Confessions of a Red Headed Reporter” didn’t fly well with her bosses.
Among the “confessions”: she’s frightened of old people and refuses to do stories involving them; her best sources have a secret crush on her, and she’s gone without a bra during a live report — and no one noticed.
Allen thought it was all in good fun, but her bosses clearly didn’t get the joke. Allen says she was fired three days after she posted the “confessions.” The station has told NBC News that it couldn’t comment on personal matters.
“I was being snarky and funny; I certainly didn’t think it would come to this,” she told NBC’s Janet Shamlian in a report that aired Tuesday on TODAY. “I know it sounds like a cliché, but I’m in this business to make a difference. My ability to do so has been taken away.”
WTF is going on?
Well, sister, I wish I hadn't deleted my previous years of blog entries about St. Pete and its college that got me . . . implicitly, if not directly, ousted. (Hell, I didn't care. I was moving anyway!)
But really, when will this Puritanical nonsense stop?
Everybody get on board, and read Allen's blog.
Cheers to you, lady.
You are well out of that place.