The verdict is in. Zimmerman was found not guilty.
This is simply horrifying. A young man targeted for who he was . . . physically. This is an awful, awful night for us all.
Gun owners get to do what they want simply fueled (and apparently now justified) by a fantasy fear? This is a nightmare.
And here I am. All free and fine. I could bop into any random condo complex here in north Florida and not be "seen" as dangerous. Not so for Mr. Martin.
Mr.Martin, just walking around. Just going home. Just being. Just being. And now, just dead.
I know there was doubt and doubt is enough to not convict someone. I get it. I should want that always to be the rule. But . . . there is more. So much more in this case.
I am sad, so sad, and wonder why I am here, in a fucking Panhandle locale that is virtually all white. All white and all wrong. Oh my. What can I do?
My sorrow and regrets go to this young man's family. And I wonder now, what the hell can I do?
Where do I live? What is this great lie of "freedom"?
The farce of "stand your grand" law needs to end now.
Regrets. Do continue in spite of the bullshit.
Your Joyce
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