Dear You:
Ms. Kim feeding folks at the LA Mission. She may not have broken the internet with her recent photo deluge, but she is breaking preconceived notions. Of course, the critical "they" no doubt say she did/does this for publicity. Forget them. And, once again returning to the blog after months of "teach that lit, grade those compositions, cha-cha-cha", I wish we could forget these recent events:
1. A midterm election that went so RED the President is having to executive-order his way through the last two years of his term.
2. A polar blast reaching down to FLA and stressing the stalwart city of Buffalo, no less.
3. A horror -- journalists and aid workers murdered in Syria/Iraq.
4. A rush of more techno-living and even more techno-failures.
Get off the grid. Oh, wait. I am composing on the grid. Maybe that will fail too if Net Neutrality actions don't swat back corporate controls.
So, on the lighter side:
Tom Brady and the fabulous Patriots are on a cool wining streak. This compensates for my bachelor's alum college (Auburn - those warring eagles) not making it to this new NCAA playoff situation, losing some tight contests. But that is all about other people playing and me watching. My sport continues to be the Hunger Games of adjuncting in higher education. I must be high to keep slamming through this. Upside: fun students who talk some good talk. Downside: less than stellar "customers"/students who get to evaluate ME and getting all twitchy about the next semester's assignment. Nothings changes. Yes, the definition of insanity is . . .
What can we/I do to make everything possible and everyone unchained?
I live in another dimension during pop-soundtrack inspired run/walks. There, on the beach and in my head, everything is possible and everyone is off the chain.
Why doesn't everyone want to live there?
The book (memoir/comedy/polemic) remains a non-start, and I still haven't learned conversational Spanish. Blame it on the Panhandle life with much yard work, maintenance demands and driving time to get anywhere.
First things first --- get through another required jolly X'mas and put that book and Espanol on yet another New Year to do list. 2015. Hell Yes to another year!
Time to primp and moisturize before Sunday Night Football. "What were once vices are now habits." Who said that?
Kisses -
The Joyce
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