Shot of Channing Tatum in Jupiter Ascending . . . Only HE can save us now!
Dear you:
Yemen is now a chaotic mess; water shortages loom; Ted Cruz (or is it Kruz . . . or even Cruise?) is running for President; the random cat who adopted me had a huge tick on his neck today, and gossip mills report Kim Kardashian's brother is dissing her via Instagram. It's a madhouse here on planet E!
Spring break ends tomorrow, and I shall be back in the classroom annoying students. The assigned readings fall under the "power and responsibility" subject heading. Me? I'd like to be powerful . . . but mostly, irresponsible. Perhaps I should send in Tatum's Super-Hero from Jupiter Ascending to lecture, a fictional role model, but at least a role model. And I'm pretty sure he packs a piece, something I hear the Florida State Legislature is about to make legal on college campuses. Seriously? I lose my temper over weak content development! Do you want ME carrying fire-power in a Composition class?
Just another day in the northwest part of paradise . . .
Kisses and good luck :)
Your Joyce
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