After another phone call to my ISP (internet service provider, darling) to revive my connection, I felt irritated. But why? Broken connections, broken perfection, broken relationships, broken hearts, broken treaties, broken everything are the stuff of life. Reality. Just like yesterday's news. David Bowie died, our Ziggy Stardust:
He didn't slow down, wondering about disconnections, broken things. Bowie created change and disruption artistically. Creation, the upside of status flex, the impermanence of "life". I want that, to not be bothered by the downside of status flex, the disconnections, broken thing-y-ness of existence. To achieve this state, I could seek training from a Zen master. Or I could listen to my inner Ziggy Stardust and create. In my case, creation is just living in the oddest of circumstances, dancing with status flex.
So, my current 2016 encounters with disruptive broken thing-y-ness follows:
1. As noted above, David Bowie died. I hate losing these people; unknown but known, their songs/images/creations stuck in my head.
2. Gato (my fabulous outdoor cat) is injured. Limping on three legs, he carries on. That takes guts.
3. Also noted above, continually snapping internet connections.
4. Cold weather. I know, I am not in the tropics anymore. I cannot magically manifest a winter-free Panama City Beach. Weather happens.
5. My perfect body-health is marred by a perplexing sinus infection. What the hell is that? Nose blowing is the most unattractive action ever.
But really. Why should the downsides of status flex bother me? The upsides are too delicious. My current 2016 encounters with disruptive good stuff follows:
1. The wild, wintry Gulf of Mexico is as gorgeous as its summer self.
2. Time off from cervezas, I switch to rum cocktails! These delights make cold evening news-viewing interesting.
3. RETAIL is fun! The anonymous famous department store is a pure-work scene; no bullshit follows me home; no tedious, tragic, uptight co-workers wreck my day. I just sell, stock, organize, clean, and interact freely with the public. This is unexpectedly, disruptively neato.
4. Electric room heaters now replace my old cash-burning central heat! (Total truth? I am not always bubbly happy about my pioneer lifestyle. Watch me whine today as I wash my hair while NOT being wrapped in 360 degree hot air. Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled.)
5. Weekend working hours interfere with my NFL playoff viewing time, but this pushes me a bit closer to purchasing a phone/device that will keep me connected everywhere. Check me out in those 21st century Google glasses!
Have a disruptively lovely day and night.
Embrace with me this life of status flex.
Unchained Me
Status Flex is the only true state!