Dear you . . .
Red in tooth and claw. And wet. And sometimes wonderful.
Finally posting this month (!) to express unease as a tropical storm swirls around the Gulf of Mexico. I don't want to wish it on someone else, but I also don't want it here. Random. Nature.
When is it not wonderful? It is not wonderful when you wake up to discover murdered kittens on your porch. Long story about that. But in summary, my outside-tame pet (Gato) has produced children. This last batch belongs to a little gal who did not know how to protect them in the bushes/brush. She brought them on to the porch she knows. I let it be. And overnight, something (probably a possum) did not let it/them be.
So, good morning carnage.
I cleaned up the scene and now witness the confused Momma Cat meowing.
She has survived. And so has Mr. Gato. This deal I cut with nature, ever optimistic, thinking the odds were always in my free creatures' favor was naive. I am still a city girl in a not so city place.
Waiting for the next natural event.
Rest in peace, creatures.
Give it your best shot.
I guess that is all any of us can do.
Talk about a tropical depression.
Shaking it off,
Your Joyce
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