Dear Reindeer . . .
I hope you are enjoying your day off after a very busy night. Here is my day so far:
During my morning coffee + OJ + smooth cigarette ritual, I half-listened to the news about our government shutdown and other dramas. Our President is on tape griping about my fellow Democrats because they/we are resisting his silly "Wall" project; that was his Christmas message. And of course he tossed in the witch-hunt complaint. He signed off with something like this: "So the country is really a mess and I hope you have a merry Christmas." The quote is not 100% on, but you get the point.
Then, after my beach workout while enjoying my delicious sushi lunch (preferable to that turkey option), my fabulous Google Smart Phone started pinging away. Yes, text messages. Of course it is good to hear from people, but texting is like WORK to me. It isn't fluent or full like typing an old school blog entry, email or other document. It is not as efficient as a voice-call. And it's a holiday anyway, so SPEAK!!!!
Considering these two events, I would be very grateful if you could answer these two questions for me (tell your boss the answers will act as my gifts for Xmas 2019):
1. Why is my President such a jerk?
2. Why are people texting on CHRISTMAS?????
Get back to me whenever you like. And don't text.
I wish you well during these strange days and hope your species survives our ridiculous, oh-so-human fuck-ups.
I love you . . .
Joyce to the World
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