Dear you -
I am a very undisciplined blogger. It seems whenever I post I refer to time passed since last entry. Whatever. Let's just say I have been busy adapting to life as a resident in a tourist district (30A they proudly call the zone) and just knocking out some work for my online gig and maintaining fitness (and cats).
But attention must be paid.
Alabama just passed a law making abortion illegal. Physicians who perform the procedure will be charged with a felony and face up to 99 years in prison.
As if this is anyone's business other than THE woman, the girl, who is IN the situation.
Yes, this is life in Trump-land. Resist and persist as we can, the onslaught continues.
And now this.
No wonder so many lit teachers were assigning The Handmaid's Tale to students and no wonder too that the recent televised version resonated with so many . . . in terms of dystopian relevance.
A woman's body is her business.
A woman's body is her business.
A woman's body is her business.
This is NOT debatable.
Shut the hell up, those of you (male or female) who have your views on when "life begins" or are serving your "faith". Attend to your body. And leave other people's bodies alone.
I can only sign off with a base-line non-eloquent declaration: fuck these controlling, Puritanical freaks.
And how was your day dear?
Joyce XO
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