Dear you:
Am I the last person to discover the “dictate” tool on my Word Document production toolbar?
Am I also one of the last bourgie people discovering that Tom Brady’s TB12 menu makes so much sense?
So many tools to use and I am still searching for new ones. The TB12 project began like this:
I am standing at the magazine section of the local Publix Supermarket. On one cover, there is Tom. The article inside is all about his workout program and diet, things he credits for being fabulous on the field at 40 something. I have seen this basic information before, but this time, something clicked. I CAN SORT OF DO THIS!
I am a 60 something woman with a dancy-workout background and not an NFL quarterback/billionaire with a full-time chef who makes kale taste not like kale. What can I adapt from this man’s plan that will improve my “game”? I worked with the menu. What to keep, what to cut, and what to add/adapt:
Keeping – coffee and orange juice (sorry Tom), and all fish (He may only do wild salmon, but I am keeping my pesca-options open.)
Cutting – dairy (except for cream in that morning coffee), silly energy draining desserts, pop and sugar in general, frozen dinners (which all taste like cardboard anyway), and 95% of beef, chicken, and pork. More on that 5% later.
Adding – more greens, whole sweet potatoes, non-GMO whey protein powder shakes, and tons of H2O.
Adapting – sugar-free almond milk for those shakes instead of milk, gluten free-non-GMO bread instead of bad on-the-shelf bread (Toast, I cannot give up toast, Tom).
5% moments of accommodation – every now and then, I want that strip of bacon in my salad; a grilled free-range chicken breast at a restaurant is a nice change; a can of chili-mac Campbell’s soup is seriously good stuff. And, once a week, a pizza, slated for Sunday NFL football viewing.
How’s this going so far? I am more energized, hydrated, balanced, and that occasional unwelcome visitor, heartburn, is gone.
So, I am not going gently into that not-so-good night. Okay, I admit Brussel sprouts are still appalling and the cutting beef thing is prompted by a desire to protect our planet. (Really, do we need burgers and gassy-ass milk more than a green planet? Check out the Amazon, before it’s gone.) But I like “projects” and change, so I am in. This is my micro-version of willful evolution. Still mortal, still fated for whatever, and still experimenting.
Enough for today! It is time for a smoke on the balcony. What? Is that weird? Why are you laughing? Well, at least I don’t vape.
Flawed love from Joyce
Carpe Diem!
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