Dear you,
This weekend, Ms. Kitty died. Look at the ebony, sassy beauty she was:
My friend Eric buried this precious feline beneath lilacs in Massachusetts. She had lived twenty or so years with her mistress, Eric’s mother. Eric said Ms. Kitty kept her cool. She withdrew under a bed and then . . . just left.
Just like that.
We are spending a lot of time grieving these days. Beautiful creatures leaving us behind. Some leave like Ms. Kitty, letting go after a longish life and a good fight. Some are taken by violence and stupidity. In either circumstance, we cry. I know I have cried cliché rivers in 2020 and I am not a crier by nature.
But after I cry, I know I must move on and act, like the noble cat described by
“The cat shows up for courage to act, and in essence shows up at a time when action needs to be taken. Those who have the cat as their spirit animal might want to start developing a strong balance between independence and togetherness. The meanings behind the Cat spirit animal: patience, independence, curiosity, adventure.”
So, to honor every beautiful creature/person who has left us behind this awful year, I will do my very best to act. To show up at a time when action needs to be taken.
Rest in peace, vanished beautiful people and wild things.
We say all your names, every day.