Sunday, February 27, 2022

A Star Is Born

Dear you,

Good morning, 2/27/2022.  I woke to some good news; the Ukrainians pushed Russian troops out of Kharkiv and now have regained control of their second largest city.  Yes!  But then again, there was also news about Pooty Putin doing something nuclear.  Putting his nuke handlers on high alert or whatever.  Here we go again.  Flashback to childhood and those drills.  At least this time I am sixty something instead of six and nobody can make me duck and cover under my DESK.  Seriously, even a six-year-old knew this was a pointless thing to do. Those Alabama pine, lift-top desks did offer helpful graffiti warnings such as “Patsy Digby smells like baloney” and “Mr. Guthrie is a pervert”, but effective protection against nuclear radiation?  Um, no.  But I digress, back to Ukraine and the topic of “a star is born”.  Yes indeed, we (well, the civilized and attractive among us) are in love with their President, Volodymyr Zelensky (Zelenskyy/Zelenskky, lots of different spellings appear in media reports; Americans aren’t good with consonant overload).

Beautiful and badass, he has been praised globally.  My favorite Twitter comment this week:

“Going from a comedian on tv to staring down Russia tanks, planes, choppers, and bombs and you don’t even blink is the most gangster shit I’ve ever seen in my life.” (@BlackKnight10k)

And then there was Z’s response to our suggestion that he evacuate Kyiv with our assistance, “I need ammunition, not a ride.”

Now that is some gangster shit.  I have such a crush on this man.  And a respect-crush on another star of the week, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.  Stellar legal history and untouchable in terms of character.  But the GOP will do its best to twist her record since she probably doesn’t like beer.  She will be on the court.  They can say what they want; she’ll handle it.  Like Zelensky, she won’t blink. However, it has got to be daunting to take on a job like that.  SCOTUS.  No expiration date assigned.  Just her and the other eight, twenty-four seven.  Of course, Judge Jackson is undaunted.  But I enjoyed The Onion’s satirical riff about her imaginary doubts:

. . .  “in the hours after learning she had been chosen as the first black woman to be nominated to the U.S. Supreme Court, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson reportedly weighed making history against the soul-crushing thought of spending time with these people.  ‘Of course, sitting on the highest court in the land would be a tremendously meaningful position for someone like me to hold, but then again, it just kills me inside – absolutely kills me – to think of spending any time at all with these people,” Jackson said on Friday, furrowing her brow as she considered the symbolic impact of her elevation to the Supreme Court alongside the sheer deadening idea of seeing Neil Gorsuch’s stupid fucking face every day for the better part of the next half century.”

Better Neil than Brett.

Satire aside, Judge Jackson is on the record for this declaration from a 2019 decision: “Presidents are not kings.”  That is a judicial point of view we dearly need now, having barely survived a previous would-be king who is still lurking about . . . like Pooty and pervy Mr. Guthrie.

Anyway, this week had its shining moments.  President Z and Judge J, they won’t blink. They make me feel safer, momentarily not compelled to hide under a metaphorical desk.  Sure, nobody can save me from dictators with nukes or Patsy’s body odor, but Zelensky and Jackson give me inspirational badass ammunition.  Two stars in our partly-cloudy 2022 skies.

Cue applause.


Friday, February 18, 2022

Tweeting Under The Influence

 Dear you,

This new year is looney, loonier than even I expected.  And while the barrage of heavy news and jaw-dropping examples of far-right madness make me want to evacuate somewhere, I don't know exactly where that sane place might be.  This is, after all, global in nature.  Worldwide lunacy is the new pandemic.  See it and hear it loud on "The Twitter".  I am not referring to lucid reports of crazy behavior provided by journalists (like Joy Reid reporting on the fascist rules being codified in not so free Florida), but reactions to those reported events.  Sometimes I wish everyone would just shut the hell up.  Even me.  Time for a little Tweeting restraint.  How about counting to ten before you hit "post"?  Hear that, Charlie Kirk?  We are all still scratching our heads about your assessment of the Super Bowl Halftime show as "sexual anarchy".  Well, I cannot school Charlie.  But I can school myself, or try to, before publishing my random lunacy. (Which I am doing right now anyway.) For example, I COULD HAVE tweeted the following:

@Evangelicals - Quit moaning about how betrayed you feel because some of your far-right members are acting so not Christlike.  What is wrong with you?  What is up with all the hand wringing and pearl clutching?  Your former friends in the faith are cult members.  You joined a crappy club and bought into a silly mission.  Let it go, snowflake.  Go feed the hungry or something.  #ShutTheHellUp.

@WalmartVisionCenter - Could you please fire Gigi?  After my exam and obvious diagnosis as near-sighted (still after all these years), why on earth was she trying to sell me fucking READERS??  Can she not understand the words "glasses for driving and distance vision only"?  And even after that finally sunk in, Gigi inquired about my need for glasses while using my laptop.  AGAIN, Gigi, glasses for driving and distance only.  What, she thinks my arms are thirty feet long and I am typing while seated on the other side of the living room?   And I really don't need her to wish me "a blessed day" when I storm out of the store. Gigi needs to #ShutTheHellUp.

@GovRonDeSantis - You are an unimaginable bastard. I hate your hair.  #ShutTheHellUp.

@BravoTV - God in heaven, would you please please please stop showing the worst movies ever over and over and over again.  How many times do I have to watch Adam Sandler act like a moron or Reese Witherspoon convert back to her Confederate ways?  And that Andy Cohen shade-show at night where he revels in people trashing each other, I know he OWNS the channel, but he needs to #ShutTheHellUp.

@CollegeAlumDepartment - I am not giving you any more money. I earned my degree.  You can't take it back.  Quit harassing me like a Trump University sales rep.  Your emails are an egregious insult to my intelligence.  See?  I learned some words at your University.  I am, however, not interested in hearing yours, so #ShutTheHellUp.

@CharlieKirk - What the hell is sexual anarchy?  Were you referring to those hot people dancing or Snoop Dog's geriatric jogging outfit? You need to install a "bad tweet" blocker button on your phone and stay in your Fox News lane.  And you know what?  Sexual Anarchy actually sounds pretty fabulous.  Give me sexual anarchy or give me death.  That's right!  I am WOKE to the potential of sexual anarchy, so you need to just #ShutTheHellUp.

@TheJoyceFleming - Stop ranting.  You sound like a lunatic.  #ShutTheHellUp.




Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Groundhog Deja Vu


Dear you,

It’s Groundhog Day.  Again.  In addition to whether Phil sees his shadow or not and returns to his burrow, signaling more weeks of hard winter (which he did), the day now “celebrates” a situation where tedious events recur in the same way.  And here we are facing a longer winter (again) and tedious events (again).  This experiential déjà vu is personal and public, my daily regimen is as repetitive as current/recurrent events.  In tandem, it rolls like this:

Wake and freshen the kitty’s water, serve her canned food of choice, and clean her litter box.  [Breaking not-news: we are sending troops to Eastern Europe (or somewhere).]

Pour a cup of coffee and smoke a cigarette while staring at the morning sky.  [Breaking not-news:  Conservatives across the country are actively banning books from schools and libraries claiming they create discomfort.]

Pour a second cup of coffee and smoke another cigarette while staring at Mika and Joe on Morning Joe. [Breaking not-news:  Defeated ex-POTUS Trump said something stupid. And scary.]

Groom the kitty and hand-feed her what remains in her canned food bowl. [Breaking not-news:  Tourist numbers for Panama City Beach and 30A communities are expected to be massive for 2022.  Out-of-state owner-investors are jamming more bunk beds into these little condos and salivating over the riches (and pollution and trash) rolling in.]

Make the bed, fluff pillows, tidy up and hit the floor for push-ups, crunches, and yoga stretches.  [Breaking news:  January 6 committee member states Trump is “tampering with witnesses”; yes, politicians are often beyond corrupt.]

Pound down water and orange juice and finish workout with weights for shoulders, back, chest and arms. [Breaking news:  Overstuffed dryer causes house fire in Bay County.  (The dryer thing doesn’t necessarily repeat itself as the star of local stupidity incidents, but just fill in the blank with another appliance; electric ear-hair trimmer, toaster, curling iron, George Forman grill, etc.  Just saying that accidents caused by stupid recur here on the daily.)]

Eat a tasty, nutritious brunch, wash dishes, and execute dental hygiene routine.  [Breaking news: Governor DeSantis said something stupid.  And scary.]

Bathe and dress for tasking and out-and-abouting. [Breaking news:  There is yet another Covid variant, “stealth Omicron”.]

Before online work, check for any fabulous new townhomes or houses that don’t cost a million or more.  [Breaking news:  The housing crisis goes on and everything is getting pricey.  (A refill for kitty’s lint roller jumped from around $2.50 to $3.69.  She needs to stop shedding.)]

Work and take occasional smoke and juice breaks.  [Breaking news:  Nazis rally in Florida.]

Wrap it up for the day and go for a power walk with radio-headphones on blast. [Breaking news:  Local radio stations (other than the NPR affiliate) don’t deliver any news.  Except for traffic and dryer fire updates.]

Return to the condo for sunset, more kitty feeding, and cocktails, for me, not her. [Breaking news:  Recent studies show more people are turning to alcohol to cope with “unprecedented uncertainty and stress”.]

Watch something mindless on BRAVO channel, get annoyed by mindlessness, hit the off button on the remote and open a good book, fall asleep drooling on that good book.  [Breaking news:  A survey revealed one in three adults hit the snooze button three times in the morning. People prefer not being awake.]

There it is.  Repeat. Rewind. Recur. Over and over, we go to war, silence provocative truth tellers, elect idiots to office, swarm to tourist zones like locusts, react with shock when a virus mutates, do stupid things with appliances, decide we cannot live without lint rollers, self-medicate, and avoid waking up and facing yet another Groundhog Day.

To close, something from the 90s movie Groundhog Day:

Phil:  What would you do if you were stuck in one place and every day was exactly the same and nothing that you did mattered?

Ralph replies:  That about sums it up for me.

That about sums it up for me too. 

Love, Joyce