Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Black Bears on Crack, ah Floriduh!

Dear you,

We sizzle.  Real feel temperature in Seagrove beach today is 100 degrees. That is positively comfy in contrast to other parts of our USA.  We sizzle and deny, deny, deny this very real climate change.  Florida continues its war on Mother Nature with edicts from the governor, #DeathSantis, like these:  1. The Gov declares no laws in Florida shall mention "climate change".  (Very "don't say gay" in intent.  Forbid the saying of the thing, the people, then  both shall cease to be real.) 2. The Gov also signed into law HB 87 that allows for the slaughter of Black Bears who are displaced by development and extreme weather. Sierra Club tried to gather support against the bill that "would have disastrous consequences for the welfare and safety of Florida wildlife and residents alike. Built upon the falsehood that Florida faces an epidemic of “crackbears”, HB 87 would usurp the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) sole constitutional authority to regulate wildlife and exempt people from any administrative, civil or criminal penalties for killing a bear if: The person is believed that it was necessary to avoid imminent death or serious bodily injury to their self, another person or a pet; and the person didn’t intentionally or recklessly put their self or pet in a situation where they would need to use lethal force."  

Yes, anti-wildlife, fearful folks will pull the trigger if Yogi and BooBoo are digging through a garbage can searching for food. The comical reasoning about crack came from one representative who said bears have consumed drugs and are now on a rampage.  Again, from Sierra Club, their Florida Political Director Luigi Guadaramma, “Rather than addressing real problems like the property insurance crisis, climate change, or affordability, legislators have prioritized a fantasy. There have been zero people killed by ‘crack bears’ in Florida, and there are zero reasons why HB 87 should be signed into law.”

But of course it was signed into law. #Floriduh. We sizzle, we deny, we kill.

You and I know who is on crack, and it isn't the bears. 

Keep your head up!  Hope is hard to tap into now, but we have to try.  Do what you can.

Bless the wild things everywhere.

Joyce out

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