Dear you,
Amen to that, Ms. Davis. Try these actions as a sassy senior in our flailing America:
Fly without fear - Today, another crash landing, this time in Toronto; surviving these all too frequent events is hard enough for a youngish CrossFit type; try to crawl out of that wreckage with blurry eyes, stiff joints, and a cat-carrier strapped across your chest.
Talk to the average Joe or Joanne in your neighborhood - come on, I dare you, have an informative chat with someone who gets their news from YouTube videos, the massive and expanding population who have never read The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, or, hell, even The New York Post cover to cover.
Sell a condo in Florida - The blistering HOA fees and assessments make you a target for every twenty-something dreaming of building an Airbnb empire, "she's dying anyway, she'll take what she can get".
Buy a home in Florida - Good luck with that, no matter what your age is; the above mentioned Airbnb blood-suckers got there first.
Be an American citizen - Even Canada is booing us at hockey games.
Buy a tasteful swimsuit - Nothing exists unless you want to wear something designed by and for teenage internet influencers.
Study geography - Wait, what do you mean the Gulf of Mexico is now the Gulf of America and Greenland is now Red, White, and Blue land?
Seek classic French perfume in my zip code - Salesperson at the local ULTA beauty doesn't know what Shalimar is, but she recommends a bottle of something called "Juicy Lap-dance" that her boyfriend loves.
Celebrate Presidents' Day with sincerity - Really, after all these decades of sane (relatively) leaders, you want me to celebrate the reign of Trump?
All that? I got it. We got it.
We ain't sissies.
Bring it on.
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