Sunday, January 25, 2015

Balls, bread bags and a big old storm . . .

Hi you!
Just when I thought it was safe to celebrate the Patriots' AFC win and upcoming Super Bowl, here comes #DeflateGate.  See Twitter.  Really?  The nonsense continues as attackers eat TV time with assertions of guilt:  They say Brady must have requested the football changes (for those outside of sports craziness, you know the claim --- the air pressure for balls used by the Pats in the game against the Colts were judged below required limits).  Really, again?  Why would someone this good at the game do something that could jeopardize a hot season record?  The Pats are clever and deflation would be a rookie mistake.  Balls.

And now on to BREAD BAGS!  After the recent State of the Union speech, the Republican response by Senator Ernst replayed her campaign screeds.  Those ad-bits were all about her humble childhood; one so pure and poor that she had to put BREAD BAGS over her one pair of shoes during wet weather.  Pretty soggy stuff.  What was relevant about her personal anecdote?  What on earth did it have to do with a response to the SOTU?  It made as much sense as #DeflateGate.

And additionally, winter is real.  A serious storm is on its way to the northeast.  Weather folks say is will be equivalent to a Category 5 hurricane.  Ms. Ernst should send her bread bags up that way.

Balls, bread bags and a big old storm.

That is the buzz this day as I do the usual avoidance of serious class preparation for Composition lectures tomorrow.  Why be serious when I can be . . .  me?

Love and kisses to all Brady supporters and the sweet Northeast in general.  Get out your bread bags!


P.S. - A cat has adopted me.  Not feral, Gato (his new name) wandered onto the property weeks ago and meowed at me until I gave him milk.  Now, he has a fur sleep-house, the best cat food, entertainment (he likes to watch me dance), toys, the screened in porch as Gato's Ghetto, and the entire yard as his personal litter box.  Me.  With a living creature who loosely depends on me.  The pressure!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Sunday, January 4, 2015

2015 underway . . .

Dear You:

2015 has a wonderful look to it.  2. 0. 1. 5.  Math whizzes among you may understand its allure.

Here in Panama City Beach/Inlet Beach, foggy chill is drifting in, bringing wintry temperatures . . . at least according to north FL standards.

Reading Chauncey DeVega's blog, I was amused and stirred by his thoughts on resolutions for a new year.  So often, my resolutions are simple, like "to-do" lists.  I try not to overshoot or make promises that I can't execute.  But this year, I want to take another resolution approach.

Back to Mr. DeVega and his recent holiday post.  He writes: "Some folks believe that I am "angry". As a working class black American, my 2015 resolution is that I promise to be even more angry whenever possible and appropriate."

That is just one cool thing DeVega says, and I am "resolving" inspired by his point.  So, for 2015, I promise to:
1.  Be even more disruptive at the college whenever things look a little too much like "Office Space".
2.  Be less accepting of idiocy - everywhere.
3.  Be continually impatient for change, social and political, in my USA.
4.  Be insatiable.
5.  Be TEFLON when it comes to work-hustling, family blow-back, or local redneck foolishness!


I could share my DO list too, but it wouldn't mean much.  I can always DO, but BEING is often much more difficult.

Cheers and kisses . . . enjoy the NFL playoffs (love you Patriots + Tom Brady & Giselle), the comforts found on cold nights, and the comedy we will all soon enjoy provided by the next race for the presidency/2016.  The Republican contest should be quite a show!   (PS: Why won't they give me Rand Paul? Well, that's another blog entry . . . )

Joyce Joyful Nuevo Nuevo!!