Monday, August 24, 2015

Trumpeting and other loud sounds . . .


Dear You:

The stock market is all over the place this Monday, reacting to China/Asian economic dynamics.  And Trump promises to fix our China problem.  How, we don't know.  But he is trumpeting Trump-life and gathered a crowd in Mobile, Alabama last week.  You all know this.  But here's my point . . .

As a born-in-Bama gal, I feel entitled to diagnose happenings there.  Generalizations are poison, but my birth state has a rather troubling history.  (How's that for a a euphemism?)  So when I see large, loud crowds screaming love at a divisive politico, I narrow my eyes and get defensive.  What is it they love?

When Donald sang out his usual talking points (never different) I scanned the crowd behind his podium.
Yes, there are the craftily placed African American attendees adding a touch of "See?  Donald is for ALL the people!".  But I couldn't take my eyes off the chick in the yellow dress (shift, mu-mu, nightgown, whatever).

Observe Yellow Dress Lady in the above photo, featured near Trump, to your right.  You should have seen her in action.  Each non-point-scary-claim the Donald made was followed by one of these reactions from Yellow Dress Lady:
1.  Wide mouth screaming.
2.  Wide mouth screaming with arms up in "touchdown" mode.
3.  Violent hand clapping.
4.  Violent hand clapping with head nodding.
5.  Fist in air with booing (this occurs when big T speaks of Clinton or the media).
6.  Maniacal laughter.
7.  AND MY FAVORITE:  Maniacal laughter followed by a full body spin, showing TV land her mullet hairdo.

Have I gone wrong here?  She could be a great gal for all I know.  But something about her represented what I fear about Trump supporters (notably in Bama).  I FEAR their FEAR of everything new, creative, progressive, edgy, or simply different.

Which puts me in a bit of a bind, doesn't it?
Fearless Joyce fearing "them".

But at least you and I, darling, were miles away from Mobile on that given night.  And I recommend we stay far away.

Have a fear-free day :)

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

It was the best of times; it was the most fucked up of times.

Dear you:

A busy July for us all as we swelter, sweat and feel everything shifting.   Shifting is good.  But destruction (negative down shifts) is not so good.  I cannot get past the recent environmental disaster.  The Animas river is running orange, a toxic cocktail from abandoned mine waste.  Ironically, the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) accidentally released the sludge.  Millions of gallons of horror are flowing down to other rivers, other regions, bringing fresh hell as it rolls.

What can I do?  What can we do?  For every problem there is a solution, right?  Try Google!  And I did.  I Googled the phrase "solution to Animas river" and got nothin' but bad news.  One expert type optimistically claims next spring's mountain-snowcap melt will wash it all away.  I thought we didn't have snowcaps left.  And we have to WAIT until 2016 for a "maybe this will help" event?

Shades of 2010, when the BP spill bloodied up my Gulf of Mexico.

Sad sad sad.  And I had hoped to return to Blogger with pithy comments about the first Republican debate.    But that is way-old news.  I'll just share something from our favorite satirical news source (The Onion) instead.  In the meantime, party on.  Might as well dance it out!

Here is The Onion bit, for your enjoyment:

In light of Donald Trump’s controversial comments about Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly and the Republican Party’s divisive views on Planned Parenthood, many are wondering how the party will win the female vote in next year’s presidential election. Here are some ways the GOP can appeal more to the nation’s women:

  • Make it clear that they think everyone, not just women, should receive less health care
  • Offer direct, heartfelt apology to any female donors they may have offended
  • Clarify that their war on women is really more of a limited-scale combat engagement on women
  • Remind voters that they’ve been nothing but nice to their secretaries
  • Redesign elephant mascot to feature wider hips and lush, batting eyelashes
  • Simply repurpose time-tested GOP strategies for courting Hispanic, black, low-income, and millennial voters
  • Deflect attention from party’s opinions on women by reminding voters they have dozens of other equally horrendous views
  • Don’t lump all women into one category, but rather acknowledge female voters as individual baby-producing apparatuses
  • Emphasize how cutting taxes for large corporations would benefit all women who happen to run large corporations
  • Start search for presidential candidate over from scratch
The Joyce