Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Mr. Talley and Drektitude . . .

Dear you,

Style.  The art of style has lost a leader.  Andre Leon Talley is gone, a fashion icon, pop culture innovator, and inventor of the concept “Drektitude”.  He defined that as “the lowest point in the lowest ebb.  It could be your look.  It could be your shoes.  It could be that you’re standing wrong.  ‘Drek’ is a total, total, total hot mess.”

Unfortunately, before his passing, he probably had to witness massive Drek on display at that “T” rally in Arizona last weekend, quite the lowest ebb.  The crowd was as expected, the usual cast of characters, and loaded with way too many citizens who should know better.  I mean women in particular.  See the old photo above.  Their look, their pollical and (anti)intellectual stances, alas, all wrong.  I can’t see their shoes, but I imagine something tragic from Shoe Carnival.  Poor dears, a “total, total, total hot mess.”  I wonder if all the crimes against style we see at those rallies irked Talley. It had to at least depress him. But he had a way of rising above the worst type of drek. I wish I could rise like that in the face of so so so much ongoing Drektitude.

In my little world, Drektitude appeared in the form of someone pretending to be me. He/she gave my phone number and email address to the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Bless their hearts.  The JWs emailed and then later called about “my request” to be visited by their missionaries or something.  I placed the emails in spam land and when I got a call, I had to forcefully repeat over and over that I had made no such request.  After answering pointless questions about my Bible literacy or lack thereof (saying I was a bit of a heretic didn’t help), I finally convinced the JW caller to delete my contact information and try to find out who posed as me.  This was fraud, a minor level fraud that might have just been a practical joke.  Still, it reeked of Drektitude. 

More Drektitude has appeared and it is parked behind building 13.  The vehicle’s rear bumper has the remains of a sticker, most of the message scratched away in a haphazard manner. All that remains is the first letter, a capital G, and a small case “s” at the end. What was the original statement?  “Go Warthogs?” “Get off my ass?”  I stood there for a minute playing parking lot Wheel of Fortune and then decided to “read” the car itself to help me fill in the message gap. The windows, filthy and dotted with tiny handprints. The entire back seat and all floors, littered with beef jerky wrappers, Dorito bags, crushed Marlboro packs, random tube socks turned inside out, and lots and lots of rope.  Rope? The car is loaded with serial killer drek.  Note to self:  avoid contact with building 13 occupants unless armed with pepper spray.

Final Drektitude exhibit for your consideration:  my leopard print cotton top I am wearing right now.  It embodies every “oh honey no” quality associated with senior lady clothing:  the cut is off the shoulder but not broad enough to pass as a retro-Flasdance look, the print is so wrong – leopards don’t sport huge melanoma looking blotches, and the base color is gas station bathroom beige.  I like it because it’s comfortable and soft and have avoided public Drektitude by not wearing it outside the condo; except when I dash to the garbage dumpster back by the serial killer car.  In private, and unwittingly at times in public, I too am a hot, hot mess.

Talley said, “people need to be edited”.  I know the rally ladies, religious recruiter/joker, creepy car owner and leopard topped me should keep that in mind.  People need to be edited.

I love that.  I love him, floating above us and reminding us always to lean towards beauty: “Beauty is health.  Health is beauty.”  Leave it to Talley to refine a classic platitude and edit it with style.  The complete opposite of Drektitude.



Thursday, January 6, 2022

2022 resolution and reflection

 Dear you,

A new year.  A time to move on.  A time to look back and move forward.  A time to prepare.

Today is January 6, 2022.  One year after the violent attempt to overturn the results of an election, we are still there, back there in 2021.  We reflect, we think back to where we were when we got the news, we watch the ceremony in DC and listen to those who were there. Others, millions sadly, are not reflecting.  They’re having little 1/6 anniversary parties.  I am pretty sure that Peavy dude down the street is hosting something “wild”.  That guy is still flying his flags echoing the big lie and sending a coded f-you message to Biden.  He is also accumulating fines for those flags, not paying them, and claiming he is taking the fight all the way to the Supreme Court.  Two-thirds of voters locally are down with Peavy and soldiering up for the ultimate culture war.  I take comfort in the remaining 1/3; we do things like read, push for environmental sanity, and cry during ASPCA commercials. We are the Thirty-Three Percenters.  Sounds a lot beefier, mathematically speaking, than the far-right Three Percenters, those friends of Peavy and the defeated president. Some of their members were part of last year’s Capitol siege.  One of them is featured in a story in today’s Business Insider.  Meet Guy Reffit.

Reffit is from Texas.  He came to the Capitol on 1/6/2021 to support the defeated president.  He was armed with a semi-automatic weapon.  Reffit has since been arrested and now waits for his trial with other defendants at a facility in DC.  Here is the troubling part; his son (Jackson) is the one who turned him in to the FBI.  His son did the right thing, but still, it’s his dad.  This is where we are a year later.  Yes, this nation is politically divided.  That’s not news.  But we are splitting apart as human beings, normal ties of affection and loyalty are being tested.  I feel for Jackson Reffit. 

What do you do if your parent, best friend, or child joins a violent movement spearheaded by one big liar?  It’s pretty easy to say I’d turn in the Peavy flag dude without hesitation if I knew he was part of 1/6/2021.  (Well, he was.  Just not in the gun-toting, glass smashing, defecating on the chamber floors kind of way.) But what if it was my dad?

No.  I don’t even have to think about that because my dad was a Republican, but he was the Liz Cheney kind.  He didn’t hang with trash and he loved democracy. And I don’t have to worry about rogue far-right offspring because I chose not to have children.  “Friends” might be up for grabs, but I’m way too selective to accidentally befriend an idiot.  But still, would I, could I, rat out someone close to me?   I cannot believe these are the kind of decisions and theoretical scenarios we deal with now. It really, really sucks.  

This is where we are on the anniversary of January 6, 2021. Democracy held, but many hearts (and homes) are broken. Still, I believe the 33 1/3% in my locale and the actual majority in the rest of the nation will hold on and not give up.  There is an undercurrent of hope:

“Listen now as Earth sheds her skin/Listen as the generations move/One against the other to make power/We are bringing in a new story.”

That is an excerpt from “Prepare” by Joy Harjo.  It informs my resolution for 2022.  I resolve to listen, prepare, and bring in this new story.

