Saturday, December 14, 2019

Making stuff up . . . 2020 predictions!

Dear you,

It is coming, another big year.

2020.  The number is attractive to the eye.  A certain symmetry.  I am fabricating my version of 2020, a kind of wish list or wishful predictions as follows:

#1: That is the ticket as featured below.  Let it be.  (Added wish:  Joe does not do the word-salad thing during debates with the Donald.)

#2:  Fake jobs included in our seemingly hot economy and low unemployment rates will be replaced by creative pursuits that produce more than t-shirts, tech-toys, car mats, and desperation.

#3:  I will turn 65 and refuse to sign up for Medicare because I stumbled on to the secret to healthy immortality.

#4:  Shepherd Smith will take over the Fox News propaganda machine and Donald's 63 million will come to their senses, actually seeing and hearing what is really there.

#5:   The ASPCA will have nothing to do because cruelty to animals will cease to be.

#6:   All men will embrace the untucked aesthetic and none shall sound like Larry the Cable Guy.

#7:  All women will decide to relax and use their bodies like athletes and not give a damn about SPANX.

#8:   I will finally buy a house so I can stop complaining about how annoying the condo-world is during vacationer season.

#9:   Genetic therapy will rock something amazing out.

#10:  Pope Francis, Pitbull, and Kim Kardashian will form an unlikely alliance and save us all from _____________________ (fill in the blank .  . . they can do it all).

What do you think, dear you?

Here is to 2020 and the art of the possible.
Joyce XO