Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Political slogans and the polar vortex . . .

Related image

Dear you:

Before I Google this fabulous pro-cocktail candidate noted above and refresh my election history database, I want to talk about slogans.  As you might expect, I am liking Kamala Harris as a candidate for POTUS.  I have appreciated her work as a senator and currently consider myself a supporter.  Her slogan, however, revealed this weekend, really confuses me:

Kamala Harris for the People

Well, I guess that beats being against the people.  But what does that mean?  I am "for" cold beer (like one of our SCOTUS dudes).  But what does that mean?  What am I considering doing in terms of cold beer?  Am I defending it from attacks by HOT BEER people?  And about that noun, people.  I have never liked the sound, literally the "pee pull" thing.  I resent being clumped into this "pee pull" thing.  What if I'm a hybrid, part cat part "pee pull"?

Anyway, I wondered why we even have slogans.  Why do we have to use them at all in elections?  But this is the way it is.  So, using my name, I've come up with the following for my future presidential run:

1.  Fleming for FUN!!!!
2.  JUMP for Joyce
3.  Flaming Fleming will BURN THE SWAMP
5.  Fleming and Capri Cigarettes!
6.  Vote Joyce or DIE TRYING
7.  Joyce needs a JOB!
8.  Support Joyce and STOP the polar vortex!

The game ends with number eight since that thing, for real, is rocking the USA.  Really cold.  Cold as in even Chicago residents are hiding.  Something is wrong with our weather.  The extremes are problematic, causes for political action and concern.  But I guess substantive points about justice, climate, or any other real thing won't fit onto a button or bumper sticker.  Therefore, even the brilliant Kamala simply surrendered and said OK to "for the people".

Stay warm, everyone.
Kisses and good wishes,
Your Joyce

Friday, January 4, 2019

Following Ari Melber's lead - Fall Back Friday!

Dear you -

Happy 2019 and happy Fall Back Friday too, the first of this year.  As a tribute to Melber as featured on MSNBC, I have decided to do fall backs here on my humble blog too.  To get on topic, first consider this photo:

Image result for aerobics

This is FABULOUS!  This appears to be some sort of aerobics class, updated with expressive clothing choices and "dance like nobody is watching" attitude.  I love this!  I miss this!  In my zone, group exercise is dedicated to lame yoga classes and way-too-serious Crossfit style workouts. But the former is everywhere and totally replaced full-out movement fun.  There are no classic aerobics classes in this county, or the next, or the next.  But yoga?  It's everywhere.  Yoga on paddle boards, yoga with pets, yoga for Jesus, yoga in the nude. I am over its ubiquity and so I say on this first Fall Back Friday of 2019, YOGA, fall back!

I am sorry, but who wants to start a class by sitting down in some kind of lotus position and then awkwardly reaching overhead?  No sense.  It makes no sense.  And the talking that goes on, oh my god.  I know these instructors have good intentions, but I really don't need them to act as spiritual advisers or self-esteem boosters.  (Once, a yoga-gal told a class I participated in to "love yourself with every inhale and exhale".  What the hell does that even mean?)


Yoga, fall back.  Aerobics, rock on.
