Monday, April 20, 2020

They are everywhere!

Dear you,

Florida follies continue.  The state is all over the place in terms of Covid-19 policy, to reopen or not to reopen, to test or not to test (and good luck getting access to one of those), to vacay-rent or not to vacay rent.  But the wobbly inconsistency is nothing compared to this:

He does not know how to put a safety mask on.

He is my state’s governor.

Yet ANOTHER reason to leave Florida.

Should I stay or should I go?

Yes, yes, I swore I would never be cold again, but the civilized, purportedly intelligent north of the Mason Dixon line zone (or at least coastal Virginia/North Carolina) has got to be better than this warm comfort tinged with stupid.  So, I should go!

But wait, then there is this:

“They” are everywhere.  That is the now viral (sorry about that) image of Trumpies in Ohio protesting "stay home" efforts. Everywhere.  With that in mind . . .

Should I stay or should I go?

Cue music.

I haven’t got a clue . . .

So, for now, I will just SAFETY DANCE my way around this perilous, silly land.

And find a way to ignore the out of state car that just checked in (with children screaming, of course) to the condo building next to mine, never mind the no-vacay-renter Covid-19 Ordinance.

No more words, for now.

Love and kisses through a mask to you; good luck!


Saturday, April 11, 2020

We wear the mask?

Dear you,


The corona days, a daze of information, disinformation, and recommendations versus rules.

Here in the Panhandle, there is still this “kinda” distancing thing happening because beaches are closed, restaurants are providing take-out only, and most pools and parks are shut down.  But we are still mingling in necessary spots like grocery stores, and I worry about those workers.  With them in mind, I decided to don a scarf before shopping Friday:

I looked more like an amateur robber than a caring customer. The silky fabric kept slipping off my nose, so I had to keep touching my face to get that sucker back in place. I probably slathered lots of Stouffer-entrĂ©e-box-virus babies all over my cheeks. The scarf-mask might have helped protect others on the scene . . . if I am an unwitting carrier . . . so it was worth the effort, I guess.  However, since most of the employees and random customers were unmasked, overall, it felt pretty pointless.

They choose.

I choose.

We choose.

For those who choose, I appreciate you and wish you the best of luck as you design the perfect Easter Covid-19 Mask!  You can decorate yours with Peeps or weave one with Easter basket grass.  You can brighten up your tube-sock mask with Easter egg dye or strap a stuffed bunny to your face.

You choose.

I choose.

We choose.

I just wish we had some consistent guidance (or uniform policy) as we make those choices.

Buena Suerte to all!

