Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Moving on . . .

Dear you . . .

Today, for the first time since Hurricane Michael hit us on 10/10/18, I did not drive to Inlet Beach and feed/water cat Dinky and her daughter, Bastet (named for the goddess as pictured above).  I finally surrendered the task to a good local young man and his gal.  They love cats and I can give them a little bill-paying cash to cover their time and energy.  Finally, I managed to let this go, the last heart-task connected to the old Inlet Beach property.

I miss their little faces. 

I miss their resilience and fuck-all bravery as their space was slowly dull-dozed down to nothing.

I miss their gorgeousness.

As my friend Eric says, I have passed the torch.

That makes me torch-less.

Hail to thee, Bastet, mythic and real.

And hail to the fur-ball feline (Vivo) who made the journey with me to this condo life. 

Simple thoughts for the day,



Thursday, July 25, 2019

Looking for beauty . . .

Dear you,

My morning sound-scape fetaured monstrous children screaming and running all over the condo landing . . . stomp stomp stomp scream scream scream scream.  This added to my annoyance after hearing how POTUS thought yesterday's hearing (Mueller testimony) went his way!  No sign of concern about Russian election interference.  No sign of anything but his usual spin. I was hating everybody and about to go all out misanthrope today.  But why should I swallow that poison?

So, as a remedy, my task was to find beauty in the local humanity scene.  I looked hard and discovered:

1.  My banker dude at the local branch is very cool and lovely.
2.  The man doing external wall repair on building #1 is working with a kind of grace and efficiency.
3.  The owner of a unit perpendicular to mine greeted me during a balcony encounter with an actual morning smile and wave (instead of the typical head-down-into-phone pose).
4.  And finally, I realized that are dancers all around us.

The last point and the photo aren't meant to be literal.  But there are those who artfully occupy this space, this body, and make everything beautiful.

Do you see them too?

Please look.  Better still, please "dance" through and into all things. I am on task to do that 24-7, even if my aged-attempts at chorus-girl high kicks lands me on the tile floor with a big, bad bang.  Just consider it pay-back to the monstrous kids down below :)

Happy Day and Love,

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Summer time, and the living is . . . uneasy

Image result for kellyanne conway

Dear you,

The hottest June on record and the hottest July follows.  Everything is burning and I visit the beach carrying a little purple umbrella, shading myself from the sun like a cliché Southern Belle.  Shading myself from the other nonsense that abounds is not so easy.

Where should I begin?

Should I begin with the fact that my president tells opposition politicians that they should just leave the USA if they don’t love him?  Should I begin with the fact that his rally last night in North Carolina featured pissed off pasty people, some shouting “send her back”?  (This, as you know, referring to Rep. Omar, who is, by the way, a citizen.)  Or should I begin with the fact that yet another green space on 30A here in Seagrove Beach is being bulldozed?

The above posited questions/topics are too intense for me at this moment, so I will keep it light and consider the latest weird action by Kellyann Conway, Donald Trump’s advocate and fact-shifter.  During a recent encounter with the press, she seriously asked a reporter what his ethnicity was.  Oh yes, she did.  The question was so blatantly dumb-ass and horrifying at the same time I had to giggle it away.  But this did make me consider the obsession of many “white” folks I know, their pursuit of ancestral knowledge.  There’s a dot.com for that and no doubt an ap too.

I could care less what my ancestry is.  I am something from Europe, something from the Middle East, and something from the Mother Continent, Africa. (This is everyone’s home, no matter what nonsense they might be teaching kids in Oklahoma.) My last name is Fleming and I think my people were run out of Ireland.  And Dad said something about how during the Civil War his great-great-something or somethings was/were part of Quantrill’s Raiders, Confederate guerilla fighters.  Oh hell no.

If Quantrill is my ancestor, I want no part of that shit.

I make myself new every day. So, Kellyann, what is my ethnicity?

Again, I don’t care.  I do know my species, however, is devolving.  According to a piece in scientificamerican.comAnother point of view is that genetic evolution continues to occur even today, but in reverse. Certain characteristics of modern life may drive evolutionary change that does not make us fitter for survival—or that even makes us less fit. Innumerable college students have noticed one potential way that such “inadaptive” evolution could happen: they put off reproduction while many of their high school classmates who did not make the grade started having babies right away. If less intelligent parents have more kids, then intelligence is a Darwinian liability in today's world, and average intelligence might evolve downward.    Considering that depressing factoid, ethnicity-niche is irrelevant.

Ciao for now!  I have to go handout birth control information pamphlets to our “guests” on the beach.



Thursday, July 4, 2019

Independence Day 2019

1776 . . . 2019

Dear you,

Sizzling July 4 here in Seagrove Beach.  Loaded with tourists, claiming everything as their own, even if this is not their home.  Perplexing, this instinct to travel in packs and lie to rental agencies about occupancy numbers.  Beneath me, a maximum four unit, at least ten random Alabama guests are stomping around.  They lied to the agency.  They just lie and think this is, well, fine because truth doesn’t matter as long as you fake-smile and say “howdy”.  Perplexing, that instinct too.  But this is a holiday, so I aim to pep up and enjoy.

However, this is hard to do.  The current President has staged a military style parade in D.C. and plans to speak in front of the Lincoln Memorial tonight, making this day his rally.  I am looking forward to all the satire to follow, especially graphic work that will no doubt depict the statue of Lincoln standing up and running away . . . or bopping Donald on the head and dislodging his comb-over.

Locally, on my drive to feed the remaining felines at Inlet Beach (a tiny cluster of brush to the West is what remains for their feeing haven), I noticed a group of four obese gals on 30A.  They wore identical tank tops declaring BORN IN THE USA.  I don’t think they were paying homage to Bruce.  I am pretty sure this was all about their feelings of superiority and claim to this nation because they popped out of someone’s vagina within our borders.  Perplexing, this instinct too.

I wonder what Benjamin Franklin or other brilliant founders would think about those shirts?  They probably would be struck dumb by the bad fashion and obesity.  Or maybe not.

2019 minus 1776 = 243

Two hundred and forty-three years of an experiment in governance and place.

The nation has gotten better . . . in big picture ways.  Yes, African Americans are no longer slaves, identities not limited by gender or strange religious codes are being acknowledged (slowly), and women are no longer property (sort of).  However, all those steps forward are matched by backlash and backward leanings.  (See the loss of reproductive choice in so many states; worse still, murderous racism and hate crimes continue.)  Perplexing, this devolution too.

Yet I know that the BORN IN THE USA tank-top gals and the Alabama slammers beneath my feet are down with this devolution.  And there you have it.  My dilemma:  How do I celebrate this nation that includes them, the ones I perceive as a threat to our progress?

I suppose I must simply LET IT BE.  And count the days until the slammers check out and SUV themselves back to the state of my birth.  The “ordeal” of “them” will end.  Perhaps this is just a bit of karma-lite since, really, I am the descendant of invaders too.  Just like them, I am a part of the project, for better or for worse. 

Here’s to the next 243!  Let’s hope it is for the better/best.

